Detecting Lamness

Lameness can be caused by a wide variety of problems, most can be successfully diagnosed and treated. 

It is important to realize that all types of lameness will create over compensations in the horse.  These compensations range from; back pain due to sore stifles, shoulder pain due to front tendon problems, and arthritic conditions which cause pain and inflammation in many muscles and joints. (This is to name but a few.) 

Detecting lameness:

Always feel all four hooves for heat and digital pulse.
Run hand down the whole leg to feel for heat, inflammation, and reaction. 
Run hands over whole body to assess possible injury other areas which could be causing lameness.  (sore back can cause lameness)
Observe horse being walked out. If head carriage is high, that is a good indication that lameness is above knee.  If head carriage is low good indication that lameness is below knee.  The head usually bobs down when sore limb touches the ground. 

( *****keep in mind that when you can not diagnose front end lameness successfully look closer at hind end******)

There reflex points on front and hind legs that you can also use to help detect lameness.

Front Leg; top of leg in middle groove and behind elbow

Hind Leg; midline front of stifle, midline in semitendinosis groove, above pt of hip

Certified Equine Sport Physiotherapist